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Through a combination of theoretical and practical learning, Media Studies offers an essential insight into our place within the modern world, how we are perceived and how we perceive others. In this 21st century learning environment we aim to enrich students' learning through innovation, opportunity and creativity, encouraging a balance of academic excellence and rich personal development.

Our highly ambitious, knowledge-rich curriculum explores the ever-evolving industries of film, television, radio, the news, magazines, advertising, branding and social/online media. Structured around the Theoretical Framework of media, students explore media language, industries, representations and audiences, developing a wider and deeper understanding of both historical and contemporary media products. Students will develop knowledge of digital literacy and actively engage with the wider world through investigative analysis, theory and industry-standard hands-on production. When studying Media we encourage learners to be aspirant high-achievers, engaging with social, cultural and political ideas, ensuring they become independent thinkers, exploring their learning beyond the curriculum.Through this pursuit, students are instilled with the values needed to empower them with purpose and direction to become positive influencers on the local, national and global stage.

SKILLS: The media curriculum is sequenced to ensure students can analyse, compare and create media products, developing skills of enquiry, critical thinking, decision-making and the ability to make informed arguments and draw conclusions. 

KNOWLEDGE: To understand and apply specialist subject-specific terminology to analyse and compare media products in a range of historical, social, political and cultural contexts, whilst developing an appreciation of how the theoretical approaches inform practice.

PERSONAL: The curriculum offers students a chance to explore the media,  understand media forms and products and create media products using industry standard software. The effective sequencing of key concepts and skills, which are presented repeatedly throughout the curriculum, maximises opportunities for students’ recall and retention of knowledge and skills with deepening layers of complexity, in a range of applications, throughout the course. Our goal is to instil a love of learning, curiosity and resilience in all students regardless of ability.

Social media is more about sociology and psychology than technology. 
Brian Solis

Key Stage 4

Literacy in Media Studies