Leadership & Governance
Leadership Team 2024 - 25
Instructive and inspiring example of how a UK-based high school that serves underprivileged communities can aspire to and achieve outstanding performance through the proper planning and phased deployment and use of digital technology. UNESCO 2019
Local Governing Bodies
In order to discharge their responsibilities, the Directors appoint people with local interests and connections who have relevant expertise to serve on the Local Governing Body of each school. The board then delegates various agreed functions to the members of the Local Governing Body and meets at certain times throughout the year to provide guidance and assess and monitor progress.
We are very fortunate to have a wide range of skills and expertise within our local governing bodies and a group of people who are absolutely passionate about serving their community and obtaining the absolute best for every child.
Our governors provide an exceptional level of challenge and support to each school on a voluntary basis with the sole ambition of raising standards and achievement.
The role the Local Governing Body is to:
- implement and administer the Trust’s policies at a local level and report termly to the Board of Trustees
- monitor and be accountable for the performance and standards of the school to Ofsted
- govern exclusions in accordance with appropriate regulations
- consider budget monitoring information and proposals
- act as a critical friend to the Headteacher
- represent the views of the community.
- has earned autonomy and helps support other schools in need of education help
(if outstanding school) - is supported to improve Ofsted and pupil outcomes (if sponsored school)
- supports and challenges pupil performance and standards
- knows the strengths and weaknesses of the school
- manages the behaviour and safety of its pupils
- supports the Headteacher in leading the staff
- manages its own budget
Chair |
Kimberley Campbell-Lamb |
Clerk to Governors |
Karen Clayton |
Headteacher |
Donna Neely-Hayes |
Vice Chair |
Matt Ford |
Community Governor |
Matt Ford |
Co-opted Governor |
Nadeem Butt |
Co-opted Governor |
Heather Cox |
Co-opted Governor |
Hannan Ali |
Co-opted Governor |
Amar Azam |
Parent Governor |
Saira Chaudhury |
Staff Governor |
Anna Walczynska |
Date of Appointment and Term in Office
Governors Declaration of Interest 2023 - 2024
Local Governing Body Attendance for 2024-2025
Local Governing Body Attendance for 2023 - 2024
Local Governing Body Attendance for 2022 - 2023
Please see our Chiltern Learning Trust Local Governing Bodies.
Chiltern Learning Trust - Scheme of Delegation
Chiltern Learning Trust (CLT) is a company limited by guarantee and a charitable trust. Responsibility for the schools that make up the Trust and for the funds granted by Parliament for providing education in those schools is entrusted to the CLT Board.
The CLT Board governs the company. The Board's trustees are either. All trustees have the same powers and responsibilities. Much of the work of the Board is delegated to the Local Governing Body of each school.
The Trust governance model delegates a high level of responsibility and decision making to its Local Governing Bodies; and recognises the significant contribution that excellent local governance can make towards high standards and community cohesion. In order to support this model, the Trust provides support with governor recruitment which ensures that Local Governing Bodies are well trained and supported. Standardised self-evaluation and data reports are shared between Headteachers, senior leaders, advisors and governors.
School improvement, school management, finance, ICT, HR and legal advice systems are well-developed and shared across the Trust, under the direction of the CEO and the CLT central team.
Please see our Trust's website to view the full Scheme of Delegation.
Contacting us
Most queries about Denbigh High School and the progress or welfare of any individual child should be directed to the school itself.
If you need to contact the Local Governing Body then letters directed to us should be sent to the school c/o Clerk to Governors for our attention.